
& values

The Maison des Associations Internationales (M.A.I.) is a unique place dedicated to international associations, located in the heart of Brussels, capital of the European Union and NATO headquarters.

The M.A.I. believes in the strength of solidarity, collaboration and the collective, values ​​which are at the base of its creation. Its mission is to support international non-profit organizations by providing the logistical services necessary to their operations. It wishes to offer tailor-made and accessible services in order to make the international associations based in Brussels feel “at home”.

The M.A.I has a true sustainable development policy, seeking a fair balance between the social,  environmental and the economic dimensions.

Choosing MAI also means benefiting from a real ecosystem geared towards international associations, in particular thanks to partnerships forged with its two sister institutions housed in the same walls : the Federation of International Associations established in Belgium (FAIB) and the Union of International Associations (UIA).


A dedicated team


Whether it is for the organization of your event, the rental of an office, or the domiciliation of your association, our team of professionals will help you in all your procedures. Check them out here.

Natasha Vanoye

Natasha Vanoye

General manager

MAIL : natasha.vanoye@mai.be

Laurence Massamiri

Laurence Massamiri

Event & Meeting Coordinator

MAIL : laurence.massamiri@mai.be

Stephanie Coste

Stephanie Coste

Office manager

MAIL : stephanie.coste@mai.be

Technical team

Technical team

Dounia Sebbani, Jocelyne Kiyago & Thierry Vlieghe

Our board

of directors

The Maison des Associations Internationales is a foundation of public utility. Our Board of Directors is made up of people recognized for their experience in international associations.


  • Alain Beaumont, President – CEO & Owner, AGEP Association Management: EU Affairs
  • Françoise De Roy, Vice-President – Lawyer
  • Jacques de Mévius, Administrator – Secretary General of UIA
  • Adrian Harris, Administrator – President of FAIB
  • Alain Hutchinson, Administrator – Brussels Government Commissioner of relations to European and international institutions